How does yoga help you manage mental health? Yoga practices for mental health conditions like stress, anxiety, depression, etc.
Butterfly pose opens and strengthens the hip flexors, inner thighs and knees, thus improving flexibility in the groin and hip region.
Camel pose is a wonderful chest opener, Practicing this pose helps us find our balance, stay calm and release fears and also relieves back pain.
Breathing exercises for kids. How can Pranayama help kids manage emotions, reduce stress, improve immunity and perform better
Yoga practices for Covid recovery. Learn how yoga can help you recover from Covid and build up immunity.
Kapalbhati has a cleansing effect on the lungs and is a good practice for respiratory disorders. It balances and strengthens the nervous system and tones the digestive organs.
If you are planning to take up yoga teachers training course (YTT) then here are 5 very strong legitimate reasons why you should definitely go ahead with the plan.
What are the best yoga poses for athletes? Yoga for athletes to improve strength, flexibility, balance and recovery.
Learn how to do Kandharasana, the bridge holding ankles pose and its variations live with a teacher. Benefits, contraindications and precautions for Kandharasana.
Meditation techniques draw on the mind and body to provide a state of relaxation. Whether you struggle to get sound sleep everyday or a few times a week, meditation can help you.