Salabhasana’ is known as the ‘Locust Post’. Popularly known for being a preparatory pose for more challenging backbends, Salabhasana gets its name from ‘Locust’ or ‘Grasshopper’.
Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is a combination of 7 asanas, linked together in a beautiful loop to form one cycle of practice. The Sanskrit name ‘Surya’ here refers to the Sun and ‘Namaskar’ means Salutations.
Eagle pose is a challenging balancing asana that takes the form of an eagle eyeing her prey. Like the eagle’s gaze, we have to focus and concentrate on a point to be able to hold the posture.
Butterfly pose opens and strengthens the hip flexors, inner thighs and knees, thus improving flexibility in the groin and hip region.
Camel pose is a wonderful chest opener, Practicing this pose helps us find our balance, stay calm and release fears and also relieves back pain.
Kapalbhati has a cleansing effect on the lungs and is a good practice for respiratory disorders. It balances and strengthens the nervous system and tones the digestive organs.
If you are planning to take up yoga teachers training course (YTT) then here are 5 very strong legitimate reasons why you should definitely go ahead with the plan.
A study conducted by Harvard Medical School says that yoga practices can reduce the impact of exaggerated stress responses and may be helpful for both anxiety and depression.