Unlike decades ago, hair fall today is a common crisis that affects many thanks to the influence of pollution, water, modern-day lifestyle, diet and exercise (or the lack of it). Moreover, due to the escalating daily stress levels, deteriorating food quality, detrimental lifestyle habits such as smoking, and genetic disorders, the onset of hair fall has dramatically decreased by age. What used to begin at around age 40, now starts at a much younger age.
Nonetheless, there are effective approaches to mitigate and potentially halt hair fall. Among them are yoga asanas and pranayama. Numerous practitioners attest that consistent and dedicated engagement in these practices fosters hair growth.
All forward-bending asanas boost blood flow to the head and enhance overall circulation. This aids in maintaining optimal scalp hygiene and promoting healthy hair. Let’s look at the top yoga asanas to prevent or reduce hair fall, and boost growth.
Yoga postures to boost hair growth
Downward-Facing Dog Pose
Known as Adho Mukha Svanasana, this posture improves blood circulation to the head, offering benefits against common colds by enhancing sinus activity. Additionally, it may prove beneficial for conditions like insomnia, depression, and mental fatigue.
How to do Downward-facing Dog pose
- Come onto all fours with the hips above the knees and shoulders above the wrists.
- Bring the hands slightly ahead of the shoulders with the middle finger pointing forward and finger spread.
- Tuck your toes and as you exhale, engage the core and press the hands down lifting the hips back and up to bring yourself into an inverted V-shape.
- Adjust the length of the spine and slowly straighten the knees and bring feet flat on the mat. You can alternately peddle the feet on the mat until it is possible to keep them flat on the mat.
- The shoulder blades should remain inline with the back and neck relaxed.
- After staying in the posture for a few deep breaths, slowly bring the knees back down to the floor. Relax the hands and come into child’s pose.
Standing Forward Fold Pose
Beneficial in boosting blood circulation to the head, Uttanasana also reduces tiredness and fatigue. It stretches the hamstrings and improves flexibility in the lower back too.
How to do Standing Forward Fold pose
- Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your arms at your sides.
- Raise your hands up and start bending over at your hips until you’re placing your palms on your shins, ankles, or the floor (wherever you can reach).
- You can bend your knees a little bit, but try to keep them as straight as you can.
- Let your head hang down and relax, whilst keeping your legs nice and long.
- You can hold the pose for up to a minute or as long as comfortable.
Wind Relieving Pose
Known as Pawanamuktasana, this asana boosts digestive health, eliminates trapped gas and helps in cleansing the intestines. Boosting digestive health, there is greater stress-relief and removal of toxins.
How to do Wind Relieving pose
- Lie down flat on your back. Relax and breathe normally.
- Now raise your legs and bend them at the knees. Hold the part of your legs below the knees.
- Bring your knees back towards the head. Raise the head off the floor and bring your head close to your forehead.
- Stay here for a few breathes.
Shoulder stand pose
Known as Sarvangasana, this yoga pose stimulates the hair follicles and takes advantage of the heightened blood flow. This pose promotes the well-being of the nervous system, respiratory system, and genitals while rejuvenating the thyroid gland. Furthermore, it contributes to increased blood flow to the brain.
How to do Shoulder stand pose
- Lie down on your back with your arms by the side of the body. Now bend your knees and start raising your legs towards your chest. Take the support of your hands to raise the bent legs over your head.
- Now move the hands to the lower back where the rib cage ends. Using this as support, slowly move your hips towards your head and straighten your legs in a controlled manner.
- Keep your palms firmly on the back. The weight of the body should be on the shoulders and not the neck.
- Stay here for a few breaths. To come out of the asana, first bend the legs and lower them towards the head and then bring them back down.
Thunderbolt Pose
Vajrasana, the only posture you can do after a meal, stimulates blood circulation to the digestive system. By improving digestion, stress is managed better. Vajrasana also aids in weight loss and managing digestive disorders.

How to do Thunderbolt pose
- Begin by kneeling on the floor with your knees and feet together. Your big toes should touch each other.
- Now sit back on your heels. Ensure your weight is evenly distributed between both legs.
- Sit up straight and lengthen your spine. Your back should be erect, and your shoulders relaxed.Rest your hands on your knees, with your palms facing down. You can adopt the Gyan Mudra by touching your thumb and index finger, keeping the other three fingers extended.
- Ensure that your heels are directly under your sit bones, and the tops of your feet are flat on the floor.
- Let your shoulders relax, and allow your shoulder blades to move down your back.
- Keep your gaze fixed straight ahead, keeping your neck in a neutral position.
- Stay in this position for a comfortable duration. You can gradually increase the time as you become more accustomed to the pose.
Apart from this, Pranayama practices also help relieve stress and toxins, releasing blockages. The flow of Prana improves, enhancing overall well-being. Overall, this boosts hair growth. The best pranayama practices to relieve stress and boost hair growth are Kapal Bhati (frontal lobe cleansing), Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing) and cooling practices such as Chandra Bhedi (left-nostril breathing) and Brahmari (humming-bee breathing). You can also practice facial yoga and Yoga Nidra regularly as these practices are relaxing and soothing, relieving stress and tension.
Improve your lifestyle, include regular practices such as oil and face massage, as well as your diet. Improve your daily routine by starting live yoga classes today. Gradually, in time, stress will reduce and you’ll find improved hair growth and healthy strands.
Learn how to practice yoga for hair growth live on Shvasa.