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How to practice Parivrtta Anjaneyasana

How to practice Parivrtta Anjaneyasana

What is the Revolved Crescent Lunge Pose? 

The revolved crescent lunge is an intermediate standing twist that activates the abdominal organs and lengthens the spine. Starting in a low lunge stance, the practitioner joins their hands in prayer at the heart center. Then the torso twists towards the front leg, with the opposite upper arm resting on the thigh and maintaining the prayer position. The revolved crescent lunge pose is also known as the revolved low lunge or Parivrtta Anjaneyasana. 

Position type: Kneeling

Posture type: Lunge and twist 

Ideal for: Flexibility and mobility 

Targets: Hips, groin, inner thighs, core  

Pose level: Intermediate 

How to prepare for the Revolved Crescent Lunge Pose


The revolved low lunge stands as an intermediate stretch, focusing on opening the hips to enhance flexibility and mobility. Given its intensity as both a twist and a profound hip opener, it is crucial to ensure that the body is adequately warmed up and prepared. Engage in practices such as Surya Namaskars, along with poses like downward-facing dog, standing forward fold, high lunge, gate pose, and bound angle pose. These exercises effectively loosen tight muscles, readying the body for more demanding hip-opening postures like the low lunge, while also significantly improving blood circulation to the hip region. Regular practice of postures such as the garland pose, bow pose and pigeon pose are beneficial for hip-opening and improve flexibility in the hip region. 

Downward-facing dog

Twists and bends

Explore side twists and bends with a gradual approach. Begin with beginner-friendly options like seated side bend (Vakrasana) and side bends in easy pose, lotus pose, or thunderbolt pose. As your body warms up and becomes more prepared, you can progress to more challenging side bends, including poses like Half-lord of the fishes, triangle pose, extended side angle pose, and others.

Triangle Pose

Core strength

Enhance your core strength for improved posture alignment. Incorporate poses like Warrior One, Warrior Two, Extended Side Angle Pose, and Triangle Pose into your routine. Through consistent practice, you'll progressively develop strength and stamina, enabling you to sustain these postures for longer durations. Additionally, engaging in Surya Namaskar at a moderate to brisk pace is effective for building overall strength.

Warrior 2

Shoulder flexibility and mobility

Enhance shoulder flexibility and mobility to achieve improved alignment in this posture. Engage in yoga poses such as puppy pose, cow face pose, upward facing dog, and bow pose.

Bow Pose

How to do the Revolved Crescent Lunge Pose? 

Getting into the posture

  • Begin in Tadasana (tall mountain) pose with feet touching and hands by your sides.
  • Step the right foot back, keeping the heel off the floor and toes tucked into the floor. Simultaneously, bend the left knee and press the foot sole into the mat.
  • Inhale and raise the arms to shoulder level, placing the palms into namaskar mudra (prayer position).
  • Stretch the sternum forward, then twist the torso, bringing the right elbow to the outside of the left knee. Turn the gaze upward.

Getting out of the posture

  • To exit, release the arms, bring the hands to the ground, and step the right foot forward. Return to Tadasana.
  • Repeat the same on the other side.
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Key Alignments in the Revolved Crescent Lunge Pose

  • Ensure that your front knee is in line with your toes.+
  • In the lunge position, it is common for the front knee to extend slightly beyond the foot since the back knee is on the mat, sharing some of the weight. However, be cautious not to let the front knee extend too far ahead of the ankle.
  • When twisting, ensure you keep the shoulders pushed back such that the chest region opens up. 

What are the benefits of the Revolved Crescent Lunge Pose? 

The Revolved Crescent Lunge pose offers a myriad of physical and mental benefits. As you engage in this pose, you strengthen key muscle groups such as the quadriceps and gluteus, promoting enhanced lower body strength. Simultaneously, the pose opens the hips, improves overall balance, and contributes to the strengthening of core muscles. The straightening and fortification of the spine further enhance posture and physical stability. Additionally, this intermediate twist helps in refining balance and coordination, reducing stress levels, and boosting overall stamina. On a spiritual and mental level, the pose activates the solar plexus chakra, fostering confidence while dispelling feelings of fear and insecurity. Overall, the revolved crescent lunge offers a holistic approach to physical well-being and mental resilience.

What are the contraindications of the Revolved Crescent Lunge Pose? 

The Revolved Crescent Lunge Pose comes with specific contraindications that individuals should be mindful of. It is not advisable for those with knee or ankle injuries, as the pose involves substantial weight-bearing on the lower extremities. Individuals with neck or back injuries should exercise caution, as the twisting motion may exacerbate existing issues. Moreover, individuals with high blood pressure should approach this pose with caution, as the intensity of the posture can impact blood pressure levels. Those experiencing sciatica should also avoid or modify this pose to prevent further discomfort or injury. It is essential to prioritize safety and consider individual health conditions before engaging in the revolved crescent lunge.

Counterposes of the Revolved Crescent Lunge Pose

Practice the standing forward bend or downward-facing dog pose after doing the revolved crescent lunge pose. 

Variations of the Revolved Crescent Lunge Pose

  • Keep your eyes ahead such that you are gazing forward. This is particularly helpful if you have neck pain or find it difficult to twist the neck. 
  • You can place one elbow over the knee and the other on the hip.
  • You can also bring the lower hand to the back of the leg/other raised overhead. 

Advice for beginners 

Start with easier variations such as gazing ahead or placing one elbow on the knee and other on the hip instead of going into the prayer pose. Once you are able to balance and twist better, you can place the palms in the prayer position. Avoid letting the shoulders hunch or fall forward. 

Shvasa tips for the Revolved Crescent Lunge Pose

  • Ensure you keep the elbows in one line and shoulders pushed back. 
  • Avoid allowing the front knee to go ahead of the ankle. 
  • Always learn to practice live with a teacher to ensure you avoid injuries and learn the right way. 

Learn how to practice the Revolved Crescent Lunge Pose LIVE on Shvasa

What is the Revolved Crescent Lunge Pose?
The revolved crescent lunge is an intermediate standing twist that activates the abdominal organs and lengthens the spine. Starting in a low lunge stance, the practitioner joins their hands in prayer at the heart center. Then the torso twists towards the front leg, with the opposite upper arm resting on the thigh and maintaining the prayer position. The revolved crescent lunge pose is also known as the revolved low lunge or Parivrtta Anjaneyasana.
What are the benefits of the Revolved Crescent Lunge Pose?
The Revolved Crescent Lunge pose offers a myriad of physical and mental benefits. As you engage in this pose, you strengthen key muscle groups such as the quadriceps and gluteus, promoting enhanced lower body strength. Simultaneously, the pose opens the hips, improves overall balance, and contributes to the strengthening of core muscles. The straightening and fortification of the spine further enhance posture and physical stability. Additionally, this intermediate twist helps in refining balance and coordination, reducing stress levels, and boosting overall stamina. On a spiritual and mental level, the pose activates the solar plexus chakra, fostering confidence while dispelling feelings of fear and insecurity. Overall, the revolved crescent lunge offers a holistic approach to physical well-being and mental resilience.
What are the contraindications of the Revolved Crescent Lunge Pose?
The Revolved Crescent Lunge Pose comes with specific contraindications that individuals should be mindful of. It is not advisable for those with knee or ankle injuries, as the pose involves substantial weight-bearing on the lower extremities. Individuals with neck or back injuries should exercise caution, as the twisting motion may exacerbate existing issues. Moreover, individuals with high blood pressure should approach this pose with caution, as the intensity of the posture can impact blood pressure levels. Those experiencing sciatica should also avoid or modify this pose to prevent further discomfort or injury. It is essential to prioritize safety and consider individual health conditions before engaging in the revolved crescent lunge.
What are the counterposes of the Revolved Crescent Lunge Pose?
Practice the standing forward bend or downward-facing dog pose after doing the revolved crescent lunge pose.
How to practice Parivrtta Anjaneyasana
Arunima Singhdeo

Arunima is the Founder & CEO of Shvasa. She was the cofounder and COO of which raised approx $20mn in funding from Accel Partners and Tiger Global, which was later acquired by The Mahindra Group. She was also a Vice President at Infoedge India - a successfully listed Internet company. Arunima is a Master Yoga & Meditation teacher with over 2000 hrs of practice and 1000 hrs of teaching Yoga. Her two passions are yoga and the internet.

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How to practice Parivrtta Anjaneyasana

How to practice Parivrtta Anjaneyasana

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