Get to Know all about Kundalini and Chakras
The chakras, energy blockages, and the Kundalini energy seem to be the buzzwords among the American spiritual enthusiasts. The ultimate goal of yoga, and hundreds of other spiritual practices that occur worldwide, is the activation of the mystic Kundalini energy. This is precisely why it has caught the fancy of whoever has had the chance of knowing even 1% of what it can offer. However, with the curiosity around Kundalini, many shops selling myths and fads in the name of these energy centers have cropped up.
Therefore, it is important to seek knowledge from the right source. “To benefit from the powerful science of Kundalini activation and stimulation, understanding its truth is the beginning,” says Arunima Singhdeo, founder of Shvasa who studied the ancient science of Kundalini from the Himalayan gurus.
“Although chakras have come into the limelight only recently, they were first introduced in ancient Indian sacred scriptures, the Vedas, written between 1500 to 1000 BC. With yogic practices and meditation, we work towards unblocking the chakras. Awakening of the kundalini results in the practitioner finding supreme inner joy, a near-constant state of bliss, heightened wisdom, and merging with the inner guru,” she states.
To achieve that sublime state, let’s first debunk the mystery around this subject and then understand the much-revered Kundalini Energy.

What are Chakras?
In simple terms, the word “chakra” is the Sanskrit translation of “wheel”. Chakras represent the seven main energy centers of the body that directly impact our emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. When these wheels move smoothly, when the energy flows freely in our body, we are in the pink of our mental, emotional and physical health. Our senses serve us. There are seven chakras or kundalini energy centers in our bodies.

Where are Chakras Located in the Body?
The first step towards kundalini meditation is to locate all the seven chakras in the body, says Om Swami, one of India’s most revered spiritual leaders. In his celebrated book, Kundalini, An Untold Story, he writes, “It is important to pinpoint the location of chakras as correctly as possible. Doing so greatly increases the chances of success because when you meditate at the correct spot, deep sensations start to manifest within six months.”
To help you identify the location and colors of the chakras, we referred to the Kundalini book —often regarded as the most accurate modern text on the subject — says Shvasa’s founder Singhdeo.
The seven main chakras are located along the spine and correspond to a particular color and tendency, resulting in various health concerns or dispositions. To locate, sit with your spine straight, and measure with your dominant hand.
The Root Plexus or Muladhara Chakra
The root chakra is located at the perineum. Put your thumb on your navel, stretch your hand fully; now, place your hand where your little finger was, go one hand down one more time — your little finger is not touching the root plexus.
As the name suggests (“Mula” means root and “adhara” means support), this chakra forms the foundation of our development and affects the five conative organs (hands, feet, mouth, genitals, and anus); and also the cognitive organs (eye, ear, tongue, nose, and skin); in addition, the five gross elements our body is made of: earth, water, fire, air and space.
A smooth-running root plexus or mooladhara chakra ensures fine health, strong bones, heightened senses, and peace. It grounds us and bestows a sense of security.

The Sacral Plexus or Swadhisthana Chakra
The sacral chakra is above the root chakra. Put your thumb on the naval, and stretch your hand fully; your little finger is now on the sacral plexus. Its seat is at the pint of genitals. “It is from here that we express our sexual energy, procreate and derive the pleasure of sex,” writes Swami. He adds that sexual pleasure is an act that also involves the mind directly, without which it will be impossible to enjoy it. Thus, the Sacral plexus is considered the seat of creativity, sexual energy, and an overall feeling of abundance.

The Solar Plexus or Manipura Chakra
The solar plexus is located on your naval. The nervousness you feel in the gut, or the butterflies in the stomach can be attributed to blockages in this chakra. It is physically manifested as digestive problems. Meditating on this chakra sharpens intuition, improves health, skin, muscular health, and balances the three humors of the body — vata, pitta and kapha. controlling our feelings of self-worth. Anxiety, nervousness, and fear are allayed by stimulating this chakra correctly.

The Heart Plexus or Anahata Chakra
The heart plexus is located one hand above your navel. To correctly locate it, put your little finger on your navel, stretch the hand upwards. Your thumb is now touching the heart plexus. It relates to all matters of the heart and emotions — love, joy, guilt, anger and inner peace. An imbalance causes hypertension, low self-esteem, envy, anger, lowered immunity, as well as respiratory ailments. Meditating on this chakra balances emotions, enables sharp decision making, joy, love, peace and bliss. It also boosts your willpower. In addition, the quality of the blood also improves, says Swami. It also aligns you with nature, and your intuition becomes sharp.

The Throat Chakra or Vishuddha Chakra
The throat chakra is located one hand stretched above your heart plexus or anahata chakra. Place your little finger where your thumb was, stretch and feel the throat plexus or vishuddha chakra. Simply, it is in the middle of your throat. If you have come this far, you are only one chakra away from the ultimate union or awakening your sahasrara chakra. It enables you to use your voice, intelligence, cognitive senses, memory, intuition and your body to the best ability. You become comfortable in your identity and embrace yourself.

The Third-Eye/Brow Plexus or Ajna Chakra
The third eye chakra is considered one of the two higher chakras connected to the spiritual world. It is located one full hand-measure up the throat chakra. It sits between the brows. Meditating on the brow plexus or agya chakra stimulates knowledge, wisdom and a constant state of peace. You won’t be distracted by fear, body needs, or emotions. You are in a constant state of samadhi, mindfulness, and very close to the eternal fountain of bliss and being one with the universe. It also results in extraordinary focus and dedication.

The Crown Chakra or Sahasrara Chakra
The crown chakra is the other higher chakra. It is one hand-measure up the brow plexus. It is located at the crown of the head. The Sanskrit word “Sahasra” translates to one thousand-fold. According to Swami, this is a “portal to infinite possibilities”. This is where you become one with the universe, says Singhdeo. “If you have managed to reach thus far, this state is when your senses have become one-thousand times or multifold sharper, they are now in your control. Your wisdom, creativity, compassion, and understanding of the universe become unimaginably enhanced.” Your wish becomes nature’s command; whatever you wish for materializes, writes Swami in Kundalini.

At Shvasa, we help you use the power of yoga to stimulate the Kundalini points so that the body works magnificently to its full potential. But that’s not all.
Nadis — A Network of Energy Distribution
Well, now that you know the issues related to each chakra, you are sure to identify their influence in your own life. And that is precisely why balancing these chakras for a life of both physical and emotional bliss is the goal of all spiritual practices. We now move to a deeper study of chakra energy by delving into “nadis”, which serve as the basis of Kundalini activation. Translated from Sanskrit as tubes or pipes, “nadis” are nothing different from a network of wires distributing energy or “prana”, which stands for the breath of life in spiritual terms. They connect at the chakras and have no physical manifestation, which is to say that if you dissect the body, you will not be able to locate them.
The Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga describes their structure as thin, strand-like threads. It further compares the three main nadis to an electric circuit, where the negative wire is called the Ida, the positive is the Pingala, and the earth wire is the Sushumna. The Sushumna is the most important here as its real purpose is to channelize this spiritual energy. And these wires conduct energy to the chakras. Well, this analogy does break it down for us. Symbolically, the Ida brings consciousness and is a cooling and relaxing nadi. It is linked to the moon’s energy. It starts from the base of the spine and leads to the left nostril. The Pingala is the polar opposite that presents solar energy and is heating and energizing. It follows the exact opposite path of the Ida and leads to the left nostril.
Science Backs It
Scientific studies link Ida and Pingala functions to the physiological parts of the body. Since Ida is dominant on the left side of the body and Pingala on the right side, left and right nostril, left nostril breathing activates Ida, and the right nostril breathing activates Pingala. These functions are directly related to heart rate, oxygenation of the blood, etc., resulting from controlled brain activity through these breathing techniques.
What Does This Mean for You?
Well, an activated Ida calls for stable, permanent acts like going all out and buying that dream house or car you’ve been eyeing or other significant landmark life decisions such as taking the plunge and getting married. This is also the best time to undergo treatments for severe ailments. On the other hand, an active Pingala is ideal for physical work and tasks requiring extreme dynamism. But beware, an active Pingala can also support our meanest and worst actions involving destruction. The activation of the Sushumna is what most of the yogis work at. When this nadi is active, it is the best time for meditation and connecting with the spiritual world.
Kundalini Awakening —The Ultimate Goal of it All!
The Kundalini is described as an energy that rests at the base of the spine as a coiled serpent. For most of us, it lies dormant forever. But for the few gifted ones who do achieve the great Kundalini awakening, it flows upward through the chakras leading to a compelling spiritual experience, to say the least!
Kundalini awakening is no ordinary feat. Experienced practitioners prepare decades for this experience because once it awakens, nothing is the same. The rare few who have experienced this express extreme empathy for all. Of course, this is accompanied by feelings of extreme blissfulness, enhanced psychic and physical abilities, and enhanced spiritual connection. Many have expressed this connection with Lord Shiva, the supreme Lord, and the first yogi, resulting in an out-of-body experience. Once all seven kundalini have been awakened, your wish materializes, you become one with the universe, you are the God you have been looking for.

The Dangers of Kundalini Awakening
In yogic circles, the Kundalini awakening is a delicate process. However, if not done right, if induced hurriedly through intense yogic techniques or even sexual acts, it can lead to destruction. It is essential to open the central energy channels of the nervous systems before raising the serpent; it can cause havoc if untamed! Whether to awaken it creatively or destructively is a choice we make.
So When am I Ready for Kundalini Awakening?
Kundalini awakening is a process that begins with the purity of body, nadis, mind, and intellect. Without attaining these, if you still attempt it, be prepared — it is undoubtedly a recipe for disaster. This is because, without a strong mind and a well-balanced body, we are not equipped to deal with the force of this ultimate life energy.
Sex and Kundalini Awakening
Sexual activities can stimulate Kundalini. However, it is important to be in sync in terms of consciously and spontaneously working on energy to activate it. It can cause unfamiliar sensations like shaking, vibrating, spontaneous movement, visions, teeth chattering, full-body sweats, wailing and numbness, and tingling in the hands and feet. However, many yogis point out that a truly awakened person will no longer feel the need for sexual gratification in any form.
If Kundalini Awakening is so Rare, How is this Learning Relevant in my Life?
Well, we all experience energy blockages in our lives. Working on your chakras can free these pathways that may help get rid of decades-old physical and mental issues. However, many pawn shops sell anything and everything in the name of Kundalini awakening or chakra cleansing.
Factually speaking, Kundalini awakening is a rare phenomenon unless you have the guidance of an experienced practitioner who works on your energy points. Shvasa’s masters help stimulate those Kundalini points expertly, ensuring you benefit immensely and enjoy an improved physical and mental health. The reduced stress level and better clarity in life are some essential benefits. In today’s day and age, that is something we all aim for, don’t we?