Getting in a little bit of movement just as you wake up every morning is one of the best rituals you can adapt to. After 7-8 hours of sleep, your body will respond positively to movement. Your mind will also be clearer and happier. Even a short practice will make you energetic and help you stay productive throughout the day.
You don’t have to worry about whether you have enough time - even 30-minutes in the morning is more than enough! A little bit of yoga in the morning will also help you stay mindful throughout the day. So when you are faced with any sort of stress, you will learn to respond in a calm and mindful way, rather than hastily react without thinking.
While there are many morning yoga stretches for beginners and breathing techniques you can practice, start with a few. If you’re able to join a live class in the morning, that’s even better. If not, a few practices like the below ones can set the tone for the day. Complement this with the habit of expressing gratitude and you’ll notice you’re having happier, more positive days.
Yoga practices to do in the morning
Most of these practices will not take you more than 30-minutes. There are also many 30-minute morning routines you can stick to regularly. If you’re pressed for time, you can even shorten this and practice for 15-20 minutes only. Here are some of the best morning yoga stretches.
Yoga poses to do in the morning
Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskars)
Practice a few rounds of surya namaskars to stretch every muscle in the body. This sequence will infuse your body with energy and release the tightness and stiffness your body faces in the morning.
Watch this video on how to do Surya Namaskars
Downward facing dog
A simple morning yoga stretch, this posture improves blood circulation, stretches and lengthens the back, legs, shoulders and arms. It also wakes you up by improving oxygen flow to the brain.
How to do downward facing dog
- Inhale, look Up, take the right leg back, and the left leg back
- Exhale, push the hips back towards the ceiling, trying to place the heels on the ground.
- Inhale, press into the palms, pushing shoulders away, exhale, push the chest towards the thighs, keep the spine straight, not rounding the back.
- Keep the neck and head relaxed, and position the head between the hands.
Spinal twist
Perfect for morning yoga stretches for lower back, this posture is done by lying down on the back. It is a great stretch for releasing stiffness from the spine. It helps relieve aches and pains from the lower back, upper back and shoulders.
How to do spinal twist
- Lying on your back, raise one of your knees, and gently roll it over to the opposite side.
- Make sure both of your shoulders stay in contact with the mat at all times. Once comfortable, stretch one arm out to the side, keeping it in line with your shoulders, and slowly turn your head to face your outstretched arm.
- You should feel the stretch on the sides of your upper body and your lower back.
- Breathe deeply and stay here for a few breaths.
- Now repeat this on the opposite side.
Cobra pose
This is also a wonderful posture that helps relieve stiffness from the back, especially the lower back. It also relaxes and stretches the neck and shoulders. Breath deeply in the posture and keep your attention on the lower back.
How to do cobra pose
- Lie flat on the stomach with the legs straight, feet together and the soles of the feet facing upwards.
- Place the palms of the hands flat on the floor, below and slightly to the side of the shoulders, with the fingers together and pointing forward.
- Position the arms so that the elbows point backward and are close to the sides of the body.
- Rest the forehead on the floor and close the eyes.
- Relax the whole body, especially the lower back. Now slowly raise the head.
- Straighten the elbows, using the back muscles first, then the arm muscles to raise the trunk further and arch the back.
- In the final position, the pubic bone remains in contact with the floor and the navel is raised a maximum of 3 mm.
- The arms may or may not be straight; this will depend on the flexibility of the back.
Low lunge
This is a lovely asana to practice in the morning to open up the hip flexors, lower back and chest. It stretches the entire body from the hips, arms and torso to the legs and back. It also activates the heart chakra by opening up the chest, allowing you to feel gratefulness for the day ahead.

How to practice low lunge
- To practice low lunge, take your right foot between your hands. Make sure your right knee is directly above your right ankle.
- Now gently drop your left knee to the floor. You can also keep a blanket or a small cushion below your knee for comfort.
- Bring both hands to your waist and gently push your hips forward till you begin to feel a nice stretch.
- Keep facing your right leg. Don’t let your shoulders round. They should remain open.
- Stay here for a few deep breaths or as long as you are comfortable.
Triangle pose
Known as Trikonasana, this posture gives you grounding and stability. It strengthens your arms and legs, as well as the sides of the spine and the core. It also opens up the heart chakra.
How to do triangle pose
- Stand straight and keep the feet about 3-4 feet apart.
- Now align the center of your right heel with the center of the left foot. Ensure your feet are pressing the ground firmly and the weight of your body is equally balanced on both the feet.
- As you inhale and exhale, bend your body to the right, downward from the hips and keeping the waist straight. Now extend the left arm up towards the sky, rotating the hip, abdomen and chest to the left side and your right hand comes down towards the floor. Keep both arms in a straight line.
- Straighten the front knee, pushing the hips back, maintaining a lateral stretch on the left side of the body. Find your balance looking down, and then look up towards the left fingertips.
- Breathe deeply while you stretch to the maximum and maintain balance.
- Repeat this with the other leg.
Half lord of the fishes pose
A twisting asana, this posture promotes a healthy spine. It stimulates all the internal organs, promotes healthy digestion and encourages detoxification.
How to do half lord of the fishes pose
- Sit in Dandasana with your feet together and spine straight.
- Now bend the left leg and place the left foot flat beside the right hip.
- Take the right leg over the left knee and place the left hand on the right knee and the right hand behind you.
- Now slowly twist the waist, shoulders and neck to the right and look over the right shoulder.
- Ensure your spine is straight.
- Now look over the right shoulder while taking slow deep breaths.
- Repeat this on the other side.
Apart from these few asanas, it is very helpful to do a few stretches for the neck, shoulders and upper back. Basic neck rotations, shoulder rotations and stretching the upper back in puppy pose or cow-face pose are a few examples of what you can do.
Other yoga practices practice in the morning
Apart from stretching and moving your body, spending a few minutes doing breathing exercises will help throughout the day. Start with Bellows breathing, an energizing and invigorating practice. You can then move onto Alternate Nostril breathing, a balancing and calming practice. Full yogic breathing is also a wonderful practice to refresh and energize your body in the morning.
Spend about 10-minutes, after your stretches and asana practice, in meditation. Practice breath meditation, body-scan meditation or do a guided meditation practice. This will improve focus, calmness and balance within you, and help you stay grounded throughout the day.
Start your day off on the right foot to stay positive, happy and stress free throughout the day. Self-care, with movement and mindfulness is a wonderful practice to develop that will keep you healthy. The best way to make this a part of your daily routine is to join a class and practice with others. Start with a few classes a week and slowly increase it once you are comfortable.