The new year is upon us and it’s once again time for new resolutions and opportunities. After all, the new year brings with it the promise of new beginnings. It’s a time to take on new challenges, set your goals and chase after them, and what better way to do it than like a yogi. ;)
Here are a few tips, ideas and ways in which you can start the new year like a true yogi.
Form your resolve
Resolve, in yoga terms, is known as sankalpa. It refers to setting your mind to a goal you wish to achieve. We normally set resolutions which tend to fall apart. This is because they are goals without the resolve to achieve them. When you take a sankalpa, you are in a way promising yourself that you will achieve that goal, come what may.
Your sankalpa could be anything from losing weight to quitting smoking, waking up an hour earlier, getting a promotion at work or taking out an hour for self-care every Sunday. The idea is to focus on the positive. So if your goal is to lose weight, you should frame your sankalpa like ‘I will become fitter this year.’
According to yogic tradition, the Sanskrit word sankalpa has its root in ‘san’ meaning “connection to the highest truth” and kalpa meaning “vow”. So sankalpa refers to our commitment to connect with our true nature. It helps you realize your true willpower. Sankalpa is our intention, coming from the heart. It encourages us to get past the idea of some illusionary version of ourselves and focuses on self-loving kindness, starting from the acceptance that perfection lies within us. It is meant to guide our choices and help us evolve while honoring the meaning of our life.
It is usually a positive declaration. Imagine it in an affirmative sentence, as if you were talking about something that is already a reality, such as “love is my true identity,” rather than “I want love in my life”. The first statement is definitely more powerful than the second one.
Form your sankalpa by thinking of what your heart truly desires. Meditate on it so that when the mind quiets down, then your true desire appears. Don’t overthink it, let your mind relax and be patient.
Sun Salutations
Practicing Sun Salutations or Surya Namaskar at the beginning of the year is a symbolic way to start your year strong. It’s a way to symbolize a fresh start and new beginnings. The practice stimulates the internal fire that cleanses and purifies the mind and body.
The number 108 is considered to be sacred, appearing in ancient texts such as the Upanishads. Repeating mantras 108 times are also believed to connect one with the vibrations of the universe.
A 108 Surya Namaskar practice will not only heat up your body and activate your energy, but also give you the chance to experience a very powerful moving meditation. You will most likely at some point start asking yourself why you signed up for this. You’ll also notice mental resistance, which you should simply observe and not react to. The practice will help you realize your true strength, drive and potential.
Yoga on and off the mat

Start the year off with an aim to practice yoga on and off the mat. Yoga posture or asana sessions are a great way to stay physically fit, but yoga is much more than a physical practice. Here are are few other ways to inculcate yoga as a lifestyle:
- Choose to be more mindful in your everyday life. Inculcate mindfulness in your thoughts, words and actions. Eat slowly and mindfully. Remember to stay present in every moment and remain focused on whatever you are doing. The key in establishing this mindful awareness is in letting go of old ideas and existing thought patterns.
- Learn about yoga philosophy and different paths like karma (action) yoga and bhakti (love) yoga.
- Try to practice the various Yamas (social norms) and Niyamas (rules for self-discipline) as per Patanjali’s eight limbs of yoga.
- Set aside time for daily meditation.
- Try a Sattvic (wholesome), vegetarian diet
- Keep your space clean and airy.
Embrace and express gratitude

Start keeping a gratitude journal or saying a short prayer at the beginning and end of your day. Gratitude should be a part of our lives no matter the time of year. Most of us tend to forget this, as we focus on our difficulties or the negatives. But this time of the year gives us the perfect opportunity to pause and reflect on all the important things we’ve got in our lives. And all the things we’ve earned and learned during the past months. Embracing gratitude will only attract more good things into our lives.
Spread happiness being positive and thankful. There is a lovely Sanskrit prayer, “Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu.” It means “May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.”
Just saying this beautiful phrase everyday will spread love, light and positivity out into the universe. It instills hope and intention, and contributes towards a happier life.
Keep the screens away

Social media, streaming shows and constantly using digital mediums can be toxic and cause a negative mindset. Set limits to how much to use social media and when to use it. Avoid streaming shows and movies on your phone or tablet just before bedtime. Try to create the habit of leaving Instagram out of your thoughts during your yoga practice, while working and when taking time out for yourself and your family.
These are a few new year resolutions and ways to start your year like a yogi. You can create various things to follow and change in the new year. The idea is to start small and do what is important for you. Slowly, as you see the changes it makes to your mental and physical health, you’ll be motivated to do more.