The word ‘mantra’ comes from the language Sanskrit. ‘Man’ means mind and ‘tra’ means release. A mantra repeated or mantra chanting is a way to help release the worries of the mind, releasing strain, stress and blockages, helping you concentrate and focus better. Mantra chanting is a type of meditation that helps boost awareness and concentration. Mantra chanting raises the vibrations, thus raising the energy within the body and mind, leading to healing, calmness, peace and tranquility. By chanting a mantra, you slowly and gradually fall into a natural rhythm of breathing which has a strong influence on the subtle and physical level.
What are the types of mantras
There are many types of mantras. They can be a sound, an alphabet, a syllable or two, a word, phrase or sentence in a particular sequence. For example, Aum is a mantra and Aum Namah Shivay is also a mantra. The mantras produce high vibrations or reverberations, with many of them being thousands of years old. Ancient sages would chant these mantras for hours together raising the vibrations within themselves and around them, positively impacting humanity around them.
Other types of mantras are the Gayatri mantra, which is highly revered in the Rig Vedas. It is known to boost positive energy in the body and mind. The Mahamrityunjaya mantra is known for its self-healing qualities. Aum Namah Shivay is dedicated to Lord Shiva, while Aum is the universal mantra for peace. It is the essence of absolute consciousness. Soham, which means ‘I am that’, is chanted to identify oneself with the universe.
Mantra Japa is a popular way to do mantra chanting. Japa refers to the repetition or recital of a mantra. For example, mantra chanting or meditating to Soham is also called Ajapa Japa meditation. Here, the mantra is repeated for the specific duration in coordination with the breath. Mantra japa is also practiced with a Mala or a beaded necklace. This necklace comes with 108 beads and with each bead, the mantra is repeated. They are traditionally known to be powerful prayer beads.
Benefits of Mantra Chanting

Physiological benefits
Mantra chanting draws you into a deep, rhythmic flow that helps regulate your breath, calms and balances the nervous system, lowers the blood pressure, reduces stress and improves overall health and well-being. Mantra chanting is known to improve brain health, too, leading to improved mood, less anxiety and depression, reduced fatigue, etc.
Raises your vibration
A few minutes into chanting will raise the vibrations in and around you. This boosts energy, induces better flow of Prana through the Chakras and helps align the system. The universe is made up of vibrating energy. When vibrations are raised by mantras, the different sounds and energy come together to raise vibrational frequency. This has a different impact on different parts of the body, boosting energy and health. For example, Aum is said to release anger, improve peace, focus and concentration.
Mantra chanting helps you meditate
Mantra chanting is like a prep for meditation. In fact, mantra meditation is a form of meditation itself. You can sit for 5-10 minutes and chant to a recording of a mantra. Over time, this will quiet the mind and help you find stillness in meditation. You will effortlessly move into a meditative state as your mind is already concentrating on something (the mantra) and the wandering monkey mind has calmed down. Silent meditation is also possible once you reach this state.
Improves focus and concentration
As the mind quietens down, your ability to concentrate and focus becomes stronger. For those 5-10 minutes of mantra chanting time, your mind is completely focused on one thing - the mantra. This improves your state of Dharana (concentration), gradually helping you achieve this state of focus even in everyday activities.
Reduces stress and anxiety
With regular practice, you will find yourself in a calm and balanced state more often. The tendency to react, get upset or hold tension within the mind and body reduces. There is a better release of pent up frustration and stress. This is also because of the impact of higher vibrations. The higher vibrations in the body lead to a strong positive impact on the mind. With better rhythmic breathing and improved physiological functioning, health and well-being improves. A deeper connection with the inner-self is also established.
How should you do mantra chanting and how often?
Mantra chanting is effective even if practiced just for a few minutes a day. Ideally, chanting for about 10-minutes will have a positive impact. If you are chanting along, ensure you are seated in a meditative posture with your back straight and with minimal distractions from outside. You can place your hands in Chin mudra or Jnana mudra.
Here’s the thing though - the beauty of mantra chanting is that you don’t have to chant along for a very long time. You can even play the chant on your speaker while you go about your regular work or activities. This will also create a powerful vibrational frequency and provide similar benefits. It is advisable to practice mantra chanting everyday or to have a mantra playing in the background. This will gradually develop a calmer state of mind and keep you relaxed throughout the day.
Traditionally, a specific mantra was provided to individuals by their Guru. However, today, mantra chanting is practiced based on personal preferences too. One may find Soham more impactful, while another person may find the Gayatri mantra beneficial. Today, some people even practice with affirmations such as ‘I am calm and peaceful’, ‘Everyday is a new beginning,’ etc. It may even take some time and practice to find a mantra that suits you the most.
Begin the practice with just a few minutes or by listening to your teacher in a yoga class. Gradually, you will start experiencing the benefits and you’ll want to practice at the start of your day, while driving to work, cooking or just before bedtime!