The Sacral Chakra is known as the Swadhisthana Chakra or Svadhisthana Chakra. Every chakra stores energy that it is responsible for channeling in our astral body. The Chakras, seven in total, go down the centerline of the body. The channeling of this energy from the chakras influences our physical body, how we function, health and characteristics. When balanced, our life force or prana is free-flowing throughout the body. When blocked, it can affect our physical, mental and emotional health. The symbol of the Sacral Chakra is an orange lotus with six petals. The colors in each chakra and their symbols are associated with different energy centers and reflect the vibrations of the chakra. The Sacral Chakra is the second vital energy chakra after the Root Chakra or Mooladhara. It is located in the lower abdomen, four finger-breadths below the navel.
What is the Sacral Chakra Associated With?
The term Svadhisthana means ‘the dwelling place of the self’. It supports personal expansion, exploration of sexuality, desires, creativity and overall joy in life. The Sacral Chakra is associated with the bladder, kidneys and reproductive organs. Here, water is the element which represents flow and flexibility. The Svadhisthana Chakra activation assists in letting go, accepting change and a transformation in life. Creativity is induced by the color orange and it also stimulates pleasure. The Svadhisthana Chakra mantra (Beej mantra) is Vam. Later in this article, we will discuss about the benefits of meditating on Vam Beej Mantra.
When balanced, the sacral chakra benefits in several ways like our relationships with ourselves and the world to be in harmony, nurturing and pleasurable. You will discover your true creative power, learn to cultivate healthy relationships, gain insights into your emotions and how to confront your feelings. You will be more free with your desires, needs and emotions.
Did you know the Kundalini is a powerful dormant energy that lies coiled up in the shape of a serpent at the base of the spine? The Kundalini energy makes its way upwards through the chakras leading to an incredible spiritual awakening. Read more about it here- The Incredible Kundalini Energy
What are the Characteristics of the Sacral Chakra?
The Water Element
As the Chakra is associated with the element water, it is a place of immense flow. When the Sacral Chakra is activated, yet balanced, emotions flow freely through us. Recognizing these emotions allows us to understand and express our desires. Balance and harmony is restored.
The Color Orange
The Sacral Chakra’s association with the color orange denotes rising consciousness. Orange represents activity and purity. The color unfolds for us joy, faith, self-confidence and balanced energy.
Energy of the Sacral Chakra
You might be wondering what is the Sacral Chakra responsible for? The Sacral Chakra stores sexual energy and desires. It helps us shape this desire. It is a place of passion and creativity. It allows us to discover opportunities and make choices, create and foster intimate relationships, and encourages emotional well-being.
How to Balance the Sacral Chakra?

When unbalanced, the Sacral Chakra causes emotional disturbance, irritability, lack of creativity and an obsession with sexual thoughts. It can leave you feeling emotionally and physically weak. Depression, anxiety, over-sensitivity, losing control of relationships, obsessive behavior all indicate an imbalanced Sacral Chakra. This affects our health, lifestyle, relationships and career.
Health problems that indicated a Svadhisthana Chakra blockage include chronic lower back pain, arthritis, sexual problems, hip issues, anemia, joint pain, low energy and fatigue, spleen and kidney issues and premenstrual syndrome, among others. Mentally and emotionally, one may feel over-dependent on others, overwhelmed by emotions, lack of interest in sexual desires or an excessive amount of interest, difficulty expressing emotions, needs and creativity.
There are ways to restore balance and release blockages from the Chakras. Here are a few ways to balance the Svadhishtana Chakra.
Svadhisthana Chakra Meditation
Meditation helps balance and open up the Chakras. One can meditate on the Beej Mantra Vam, focus on the color orange or practice a guided meditation for the Svadhisthana Chakra. Regular meditation will release negativity and induce positive energy in the body.
Affirmations for the Sacral Chakra
Affirmations also help let go of negativity and instill positive energy. They will help raise the vibrations and restore a positive mindset. Affirmations that can alleviate the Sacral Chakra include ‘I am passionate’, ‘I am a creative being’, ‘Creative energy is flowing through me’, ‘I have boundaries that protect me’, ‘I have an abundance of creativity’, ‘My emotions are balanced’, ‘I have fulfilled my passions’, among others.
Be close to water
Since the element water is associated with the Sacral Chakra, connecting with water by being close to a lake, river or ocean is helpful. It will promote balance in the Sacral Chakra and help regular emotions, passion and creativity. One can also take a shower or bathe in warm water using essential oils.
Yoga postures to activate the Svadhistana Chakra
As we have seen, the Svadhistana Chakra benefits are plenty. Practicing yoga asanas can stimulate a sense of balance and harmony in the Sacral Chakra. Postures like the Crow Pose stimulates the Sacral Chakra, increasing awareness and removing fatigue. The Triangle Pose is another wonderful example of a posture which stimulates the liver and spleen. It improves blood flow and tones the abdominal and back muscles, thus activating and balancing the Sacral Chakra. Other postures that will be helpful are the Goddess Pose, Happy Baby Pose and Garland Pose.
In Conclusion
The Svadhishthana Chakra or Sacral Chakra is a center for creativity, passion, sexuality and desires. To activate it one can also practice creative activities like art, dance, journaling, etc. A balance and harmony in this center helps us navigate relationships as well as tap into our real desires, creative potential, visualization and passion. Suppressing this energy can be a waste as we will never be our real selves or express the creativity and passion within us. Blockages can lead to negativity and healthy problems. Yoga is not only about exercise, it goes much beyond that. You can get the optimum benefit of yoga if you know the science and philosophy behind your yoga practice. It is always recommended to learn from the best certified yoga teachers.