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Why Should You Choose Shvasa Online Yoga Teachers Training Program?

Why Should You Choose Shvasa Online Yoga Teachers Training Program?

Passionate about yoga? Love the time you spend on the mat? Can’t get enough of the insightful knowledge and philosophy yoga provides us with? Level up your yoga practice by turning your passion into a professional career. Taking up a yoga teacher training program allows you to go deeper into the practice and knowledge of yoga, teach yoga to friends and family, and begin your own yoga classes. The best part is joining a 200-hour online yoga teacher training course doesn’t have any prerequisites apart from basic yoga practice, time and dedication. Moreover, since the pandemic in 2020, yoga online teacher training is available online, making it possible for you to pursue the program alongside your regular work and day-to-day commitments. And, what better place to take up a yoga teacher training than Shvasa, an online platform that brings you live, authentic yoga, from India, the homeland of yoga? Let’s look at what makes Shvasa unique for an online teacher training program. 

7 Reasons to Choose Shvasa Online Yoga Teacher Training Program 

Live classes

No matter how much experience you have practicing yoga, Shvasa asana classes are all live providing you with the best experience. Our master teachers will guide you in a careful, personalized way ensuring you learn and progress safely. Each yoga asana will be taught to suit your level, with the appropriate modifications and variations. You can also choose to attend classes based on your schedule, making it extremely flexible and convenient. You can also access class recordings to review how you have progressed over a few days or weeks, to understand your own alignment and to help you apply modifications if you need to. Reviewing your own progress will also help you during your Anatomy and Physiology modules as you will understand alignment in a better way. 

A strong foundation

Shvasa 200 hr YTT online enables you to establish a strong foundation in yoga. This includes theory as well as practical. Teachers will guide you from the ground up in practical classes, ensuring your training is strong and deep. For theory and yoga philosophy our teachers break down ancient knowledge, which might sound complex into smaller pieces of information that can be absorbed and applied by practitioners in the modern world. When your foundation is strong, your teaching journey starts off in a more positive and empowering way. Your confidence and credibility as a teacher is far greater. 

Immersive and holistic

With daily practice and weekend special YTT sessions with master teachers, your teacher training journey promises to be an immersive and holistic learning. You will not only practice yoga asanas, but dive deep into breathwork (Pranayama), cleansing techniques (Shat Kriyas), meditation, Yoga Nidra and even Ayurveda. Your YTT curriculum includes three types of Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskars), classical yoga postures, advanced yoga postures, five types of breathing exercises, and more. Yoga philosophy concepts cover a wide array of topics, from the history and origin of yoga, to the Yoga Sutras, Bhagavad Gita, Indian philosophies and the study of Hatha Yoga texts, and how to apply it, and the application of yoga in today’s modern world. 

Other topics such as the human body through anatomy and physiology will give you a deeper understanding of yoga anatomy and how to apply it to asana, the role of yoga and Ayurveda in preventive healthcare, a yogic diet (Ayurveda and nutrition), among others. This in-depth YTT will give you the confidence you need to teach by exploring modules of sequencing, how to correct a student, providing modifications, etc.

Flexible timings

Shvasa’s online yoga teacher training program is designed for everyone, from working professionals to homemakers. You can enjoy the flexibility of learning at your own pace and choose to complete the certification in two months or nine months, based on your schedule. No matter what you choose, our teachers will be there to guide you throughout. 

Yoga Alliance certified

A Shvasa yoga teacher training certification will make you eligible to teach yoga worldwide. As Shvasa is a registered yoga school, you will have the opportunity to become a registered yoga teacher (RYT) with Yoga Alliance. Once you register, you can use the tag ‘Yoga Alliance Registered’ teacher, which will increase your credibility and authenticity as a teacher. 

Credible, experienced teachers

You will learn and practice with master yoga teachers who have thousands of years of training experience. Our Principal Teacher, Pradeep Sattwamaya has over 23 years of yoga experience and 18 years of teaching experience. The teachers bring with them immense yoga knowledge and experience that will leave you yearning to learn more. Furthermore, every concept and practice is taught in a simple, easy-to-understand manner, helping you grasp this ancient wisdom with no trouble. It is safe to say you will be in safe hands! 

Assessment and apprenticeship

Once you have completed the modules and are ready, you will have to take an exam. Upon passing the exam, you will receive your 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Certification. This will enable you to start your yoga career. At this point, Shvasa gives you the unique opportunity to assist our teachers (do an apprenticeship) and become a full-time yoga teacher at Shvasa. Training with other teachers at the beginning will give you a wonderful break in your yoga career, making you ready to thrive professionally. 

Become a true yogi the right way by taking the plunge today. Join Shvasa’s online YTT program for a transformative experience and to gain all the knowledge you need to become a master yoga teacher. Your journey begins by taking the first step. 

Why Should You Choose Shvasa Online Yoga Teachers Training Program?
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Why Should You Choose Shvasa Online Yoga Teachers Training Program?

Why Should You Choose Shvasa Online Yoga Teachers Training Program?

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