Improper and poor blood circulation is a result of sedentary lifestyles, sitting at a desk working for a prolonged period of time, poor diet and health conditions like high cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes and unhealthy habits such as smoking. Poor blood circulation can lead to symptoms such as numbness, cold hands and feet, swelling, muscle cramps, acne, dark circles and more.
Following a daily routine that contains a proper, balanced diet and sufficient exercise and movement are helpful. Exercise is critical to circulatory and cardiac health. Without yoga, walking and basic movement, one might eventually go through serious health problems. Practicing yoga postures and breathwork can drastically improve circulation and correct the effects of stress, unhealthy diet, sedentary lifestyle and more.

Yoga poses for poor blood circulation
Surya Namaskar
The regular practice of the popular sequence Surya Namaskar is one of the best practices for blood circulation. This sequence includes a series of 12 postures that stretch and strengthen every part of the body. These 12 poses have an impact on every part of the system, improving blood flow to every cell of the body. Practicing a few rounds of Sun Salutations (10-12) regularly will take no more than 10-12 minutes and its effects are tremendous.
Downward-facing Dog
Known as Adho Mukha Svanasana, the Downward-facing dog is one of the best yoga poses for blood circulation. It is an inversion, and thus it puts the hips above the heart and heart above the head. The gravity helps blood flow to the head. It also stretches and strengthens the legs, including muscles such as hamstrings, deltoids, glutes, and quadriceps, improving blood circulation.
Warrior 1 & 2
Virabhadrasana 1 and 2 are wonderful for toning and strengthening the muscles in the legs. In the posture, the muscles compress and release the veins in the legs, increasing circulation. The posture works on the muscles, ligaments and tissues in the legs and hips.
Triangle pose
The Triangle pose is called Trikonasana in Sanskrit. The posture is also a standing strengthening yoga asana which improves the muscle tone and circulation in the legs. The yoga asana opens up the chest, expands the lungs and improves circulation in the torso.
Legs up on the wall
The legs-up-on-the-wall-pose or Viparita Karani is a restorative yoga asana that reverses the direction in which we sit most of the day. This yoga asana releases strain and pain from the legs by inducing blood flow from the legs back up to the heart. It is particularly helpful for those suffering from varicose veins.

Thunderbolt or Vajrasana is the only yoga pose you can do soon after a meal. It encourages blood circulation in the abdomen, improving digestion and nourishing all the organs of the digestive system.

Shoulder stand
Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand) is an inversion where the legs go over the head and you are supporting the body on the shoulders. Sarvangasana also uses gravity to allow blood flow from the legs to move towards the heart and brain.
Sirsasana is an invigorating inversion that enhances blood flow to the brain, relieving pressure from the heart. It helps release toxins and impurities from the bloodstream, improves blood circulation, strengthens the legs and core. Due to its strengthening effect, blood circulation to the muscles also improves.

Apart from these postures, two important categories of yoga poses are heart opening postures (backbends) such as the Camel Pose, Wheel Pose, Bridge Pose and Bow Pose. These poses facilitate the heart openings, expand the chest and ribcage, and encourage better functioning of the circulatory system. They open up space for the heart. Twisting postures such as Half-lord of the Fishes Pose and Easy Spinal Twist improve blood circulation in the abdomen, and encourage the supply of oxygenated blood to the digestive organs.
Pranayama or breathing exercises for poor blood circulation
Deep breathing, Full Yogic Breathing or Box Breathing, Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Shodhana) and Frontal Lobe Cleansing (Kapal Bhati) are useful for blood circulation. Full Yogic Breathing allows one to breathe in completely improving oxygen content in the bloodstream. Alternate Nostril Breathing is effective in removing blockages, toxins and impurities from the body. Purified blood with no blockages allows blood to flow freely. Kapal Bhati also has a cleansing effect on the system, improving blood circulation.
Meditation for better circulatory health
Meditation has a profound impact on reducing stress and pressure on the heart. Regular practice creates a sense of peace, balance and harmony. Mindfulness improves as well as awareness breath. This improves the flow of oxygenated blood in the body and has a positive impact on blood circulation.
Final thoughts
Sedentary lifestyles have got the better of most of us. With regular exercise and yoga practices, we can compress and decompress the veins in the legs. Gravity helps flush stagnant blood out and reverses blood flow. When muscles and tissues get stretched and stimulated, blood flow to every cell, organ and system improves. With regular movement, blood circulation is better and more balanced.