Yoga to manage PCOS symptoms is an effective practice that keeps symptoms away and improves health. Join Shvasa yoga classes for PCOS.
What is the Root Chakra? Join Shvasa yoga classes online to keep the Root Chakra balanced and energy flowing.
What is the Sacral Chakra? What happens when the Sacral Chakra is imbalanced? Discover how to activate and balance the Sacral Chakra
What does research say about yoga and gut health? Discover how yoga helps you with better gut health and a healthier life.
What are the benefits of Surya Namaskar? Physical and mental health benefits of Sun Salutations and studies on the effects of Surya Namaskar.
What are the Pancha Koshas? How are the Pancha Koshas relatable to different yoga practices?
What does research say about the impact of yoga on mental health? Research-backed facts on yoga for stress, anxiety, depression and mental well-being.
How does yoga help you manage neck pain? Yoga postures and stretches to manage neck pain.
Yoga postures and practices for fat burning. Weight management and sustained, healthy weight loss with yoga.
What are the three Ayurveda doshas? Recommended diet, lifestyle and exercise routine for vata, pitta, kapha individuals, and how to correct imbalances.