Most of us struggle with the effects of our ‘monkey minds’. Constantly wavering, running from one thought to another and thinking of endless to-do lists leads to low productivity, lack of focus and concentration, procrastination, etc. Whether we are working professionals, students or home-makers, lack of focus disrupts how we show up everyday and how we perform our duties.
Incorporating simple yoga techniques in our day-to-day lives can have a strong impact on achieving better concentration. Yoga has a strong impact on the body and body, improving flexibility, strength and balance, contributing towards maintaining better focus and clarity of thought. Here are
3 Ways How Yoga Helps Boost Focus and Concentration

Yoga strengthens the mind
Yoga practices encourage you to focus on the breath during the practice. Focusing on the breath immediately draws the mind to one-pointed focus. With practice, you become more aware of where the mind is, when it is wandering and are able to bring it back faster. This strengthens the ability to focus better.
Balances the nervous system
Normally when we are tense, worried or stressed, the mind tends to wander more. Procrastination becomes common and there is a tendency to get side-tracked from the task at hand. Yoga has a calming impact on the nervous system. It brings about a balance and harmony, encouraging you to stay calm through any situation, allowing the mind to stay focused.
Alleviates stress
One of the biggest benefits of yoga is its impact on alleviating stress. When stress is lower or managed better, focus and concentration is far better.
Yoga postures for better focus and concentration
Practicing balancing yoga asanas such as the Tree pose, Eagle pose, Warrior 3 and Dancer’s pose are most effective in improving focus and concentration. While doing yoga asana, apply Drishti (gaze) at a fixed object in front of you or as guided by your teacher. Drishti is a powerful way to stay focused and balanced. Apart from this, postures that lengthen the spine such as Seated Forward Bend, will activate and balance the nervous system. Inversions such as the Headstand pose and Shoulder stand are also effective in improving concentration. They improve blood circulation to the brain, nourishing and stimulating the organs in the region. While practicing yoga asanas, ensure you coordinate with the breath to improve focus and concentration.
Breathing techniques to improve focus and concentration
Pranayama improves vitality, boosts energy, releases blockages, improves oxygen supply and nourishes the brain. Through breath regulation, you can improve mental concentration and decrease disruptive thoughts. The most effective Pranayama technique to improve focus and concentration is Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Shodhana Pranayama), which cleanses the Nadis or subtle energy channels, removes stress and has a soothing effect on the nervous system, improving concentration.
Ujjayi Pranayama, known as Victorious breathing, also activates the nervous system and releases stress. It helps you let go of unnecessary thoughts and brings you to the present. By reducing the mental chatter, you will find focus and concentration comes more easily.
Cleansing techniques for better focus and concentration
Practicing cleansing techniques, known as Shat Kriyas, will remove built-up toxins, stress and blockages, making way for a refreshed mind and better focus. Practice Kapal Bhati or Frontal Lobe Cleansing to cleanse the area on the front of the brain, refresh the brain cells and energize the nervous system. Kapal Bhati will release fatigue and laziness, and improve focus and concentration.
Trataka or eye gazing is a strong cleansing technique for the eyes. It removes stress and strain from the eyes and mind, calming the organs and improving clarity of mind.
Meditation for better focus
Practicing Dharana (concentration) and Dhyana (meditation) is extremely helpful for focus and concentration. Meditation helps bring the mind to one-pointed focus by drawing attention to a single object (a symbol or a mantra, for example). It helps you observe thoughts as they pass by, without judging or reacting, and instead keeping your focus on the object. You’ll notice unnecessary thoughts becoming lesser and lesser, more clarity of thought, better control of emotions and improved concentration. Your presence of mind and awareness improves, which helps you stay focused when you find yourself getting distracted during an everyday task or activity. Combining meditation with mudras such as Chin mudra or Jnana mudra are even more helpful. These mudras impact the flow of prana, induce relaxation, improve awareness and focus.
There are many things that affect focus and concentration today. From unhealthy sleeping patterns to a poor diet, external stressors and more, our minds are always getting distracted by various things. Start by practicing a few yogic techniques or join a regular online yoga class with a qualified teacher and you’ll gradually find immense improvement in your ability to focus and concentrate.