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9 Must Do Daily Routines This Winter

9 Must Do Daily Routines This Winter

In Ayurveda, Dinacharya means daily regimens regarding lifestyle and diet. Dinacharya also advocates living one’s daily life according to the flow of seasons. The Sanskrit word Dinacharya is formed from two words, Dina and Acharya. Dina stands for daily and Acharya stands for practice or routine. Dinacharya is important to follow for an individual to establish balance and helps in regulating the biological clock.

The Winter season in Ayurveda is called Hemanta Ritu, which falls between mid-November to mid-January, primarily known as the flu season. During this time of the year, a huge number of people suffer from joint pains, winter depression, cold, cough, dry skin, and scalp, etc. 

Ayurveda has a wonderful set of guidelines that one could follow daily (Dinacharya) to maximize your health and minimize seasonal health issues with the help of lifestyle and diet changes.

Winter is also the prime time to build immunity.
Here are a few lifestyle changes you can make during winters so that you don’t have to dread the winter problems and enjoy the season instead!

What is the daily routine to follow to remain healthy this winter?

  • Give yourself a body & head massage with medicated Ayurvedic oils induced with Vata alleviating herbs.
  • Practice heating yoga and pranayama, to build inner heat. 
  • Take a warm or hot water shower.
  • Wear heavy and warm clothing.
  • Make sure that you are wearing footwear throughout the day.
  • Expose yourself to early morning sunlight.
  • Reside in warm rooms throughout the winter.
  • Keep yourself hydrated, drink warm water and herbal teas.
  • Eat healthy and balanced meals.

Things to avoid during winters

  • Eating cold food and drinks.
  • Avoid fasting.
9 Must Do Daily Routines This Winter
Shvasa Editorial Team

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9 Must Do Daily Routines This Winter

9 Must Do Daily Routines This Winter

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