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Top 5 Hot Beverages For The Cold Weather

Top 5 Hot Beverages For The Cold Weather

List of beverages that will keep you warm during winters

The winter is here and the temperatures are dropping drastically, its time to sip on some hot beverages that will help you dispel the chills. We have curated a list of hot beverages that will keep you warm and can be easily made at home with ingredients readily available in your kitchen.

Honey & Ginger tea 

Ginger has heating qualities that keeps you warm and honey is perfect for soothing your throat in the cold. Add a Clove or two and a touch of Cinnamon to give your drink a different taste.

Honey & Ginger tea


A popular immunity-boosting drink, this drink had profound healing properties. Soak a few tulsi leaves overnight, and in the morning add the water along with Cloves, Black Pepper, Black Cardamom, Ginger and Cinnamon. Add some more water and simmer for 10 minutes so all ingredients steep together. Strain the water and add honey or jaggery for a sweeter taste


Spicy Turmeric Milk

Another popular drink to stay warm, turmeric milk increases antioxidants and helps build a healthy immune response. Easy to make, all it takes is adding a dash of turmeric to warm milk.

Spicy Turmeric Milk

Mint Green Tea

Green tea contains polyphenols which helps in reducing inflammation in the body and gives the immune system an extra boost as winter are known for lethargic immune system. Mint is a priced herb and plays a significant role in ayurvedic medicines.

Add a green tea bag to a hot cup of water, leave it for a minute. Remove the teabag from the cup, add pudina leaves, lemon and honey, and you are good to go!

Mint Green Tea

Herbal Tea

A super-drink made with Holy Basil (Tulsi) leaves and jaggery. Basil leaves has great medicinal properties, good for cough and cold and good for stress reliever and jaggery is rich in iron.

It is a simple concoction that you can prepare at home easily. All you need to do is make a course mixture of the tulsi and jaggery. Then, add 1 and a half cups of hot water and lemon juice. Mix it properly and boil it for 7-8 mins, then strain it. Your herbal tea is ready!

Herbal Tea

Try making them at home, and let us know your favourite beverage in the comments section below!

Top 5 Hot Beverages For The Cold Weather
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Top 5 Hot Beverages For The Cold Weather

Top 5 Hot Beverages For The Cold Weather

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